The First ICSHGS 2017

26 Januari 2017 - 28 Januari 2017 dibaca : 4787 kali

07:00:00 WIB

Hotel Horison Palembang


Tamansiswa Palembang University collaborate with Asosiasi Dosen Ilmu Pemerintahan Indonesia (ADIPSI) Introducing 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL, HUMANITIES AND GOVERMENT SCIENCE (ICSHGS) 2017. 

The First International Conference of the College of Social, Humanities and Government Science, Host By Tamansiswa Palembang University that aims to bring together researchers, scholars, and students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of government and politics.

ICSHGS 2017 scheduled on January 26-28, 2017 at Palembang South Sumatera Province Indonesia. The main theme is “ Challenging Governance Competition, Development and Democratization ”.

Sub Theme

The host institute welcomes the submission of papers that address the conference theme, Authors may consider any of the sub-themes listed below :

- Governance Reform and Innovation (Comparative Politics and Government, Constitutional Law, Political Communications, Political History, Political Philosophy, Environment and Adaptation, Social Media and Governance, Democracy and Social Media, E-Government, Democracy and ICT, Innovation Policy, etc.) 

- Challenges of Global Governance (Foreign Policy, International Political Economy, Political Geography, Global Politics, Politics and Empowerment, Peace and Conflict Studies, etc.) 

- Local Public Policy and Development (Ethics, Human Resource Management, Organizational Theory, Public Law, Public Policy Analysis, Culture and Integration, Corporate Social Responsibility, Education, etc.) 

- Tranparancy, Accountability and Anti Corruption Policy. 

- Democratic Institution and Social Welfare.


For Selected Papers submitted for ICSHGS 2017, We Offer Publication as follow :

- Journal of Government and Politics (JGP). Accredited Scientific Journal by Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia. ISSN : 1907-8374 Online : 2337-8220 (Journal)

- Malaysian Journal Of International Relations ISSN : 2289-5043 (Journal)

- An International Journal of Asia - Europe Relationships. ISSN : 2289-800X (Journal)


Contact Us :

- Dr. Maulana (Chair of Conference)  Phone : +62 813 7986 7579
- Muftizar. M.Ed LM (Organizing Coordinator)
- Department of Magister of Government Science Postgraduate Tamansiswa Palembang University

Account Number

on behalf of : Panitia ICSHGS 2017




  For details Information please  click here ....  



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